Human Resources In a Project

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Human Resources In a Project

Human resource risks are one of the biggest risks that a construction project can face. Human resources are an extremely important part of any business, and when you have a construction project, you need to have qualified workers who will be able to get the job done well.

There are many types of human resource risks that you might encounter on your construction project, such as:

-Lack of skilled workers: If you do not have enough skilled and trained workers to complete your project in a timely manner, then this can cause delays which will cost you money. You may also need to pay for overtime for employees who stay late or come in early in order to complete their tasks by a deadline.

-Poor working conditions: If your working conditions are unsafe or uncomfortable, then this can lead to accidents or even death among your employees. This can also lead to less productivity due to people being distracted by their discomfort instead of focusing on their work tasks at hand.

-Employee turnover: If there is high turnover among employees who work on your construction site (either because they quit or because they were fired), then this could result in delays due to needing time off while new workers are being hired/trained

What are some ways to ensure a steady supply of workers and retainment of employees?