Articles from 2022

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Sharing the market research, trends analysis, know-how topics and our views on what is happenings.
Human Resources In a Project

Human resource risks are one of the biggest risks that a construction project can face. Human resources are an extremely important part of any business, and when you have a construction project, you need to have qualified workers who will be able to get the job done well.

Risks Involved In Projects

In order to ensure the success of a project, it is important to intervene at start of problem, investigate and understand the situations, provide the support and neccessities to eliminate the problem and lastly close off the issue and evaluate. 

What are the top 5 Project Management Methodologies?

With all the project management methodologies out there, how do you pick the right one? As a project manager, you know that selecting the correct methodology is an essential part of getting the project done correctly and on time.

10 Traits of Highly Effective Project Managers

Having at least 5 of these traits will make you stand out as an effective project manager. What are the traits do you possess as a project manager?  

5 Policies to Introduce to Control Inflation

There are a variety of tools to control inflation, some of which include:

Recommended Approaches to Improve Workplace Productivity

Strategies for office efficiency take time and effort to implement, but the benefits will become apparent as staff become more productive, empowered, and self-sufficient. Here are our top 5 recommended approach: