Recommended Approaches to Improve Workplace Productivity

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Recommended Approaches to Improve Workplace Productivity

What are some effective efficiency ideas to improve workplace productivity?

Strategies for office efficiency take time and effort to implement, but the benefits will become apparent as staff become more productive, empowered, and self-sufficient. Here are our top 5 recommended approach:

1. Make sure staff take their breaks
Regular breaks are important for employee health and productivity, so it’s a good idea to plan breaks into your working week. Make sure that your staff have somewhere comfortable to go, away from the office, to take their breaks.

2. Take a rain-check on constant email checking
Email can be a big distraction from doing other, more valuable work. Teach your staff to take a rain-check on constant email checking and instead check their inboxes at specific points throughout the day.

3.Weigh up who needs to go to that meeting
Meetings can be a great way for teams to collaborate and develop ideas, but too much time in meetings could mean that your people are spending less time actually working. For maximum efficiency, get the balance right between group and solo work time while maintaining enough space for individual productivity.

4. Outsource or delegate
Delegating tasks is an important part of office efficiency and productivity. If you're feeling inundated, make a task delegation plan to identify tasks that can be delegated and to work out who will do the job best. You can provide training and support, or give staff information or guidance needed to complete the task effectively.

5. Create a more efficient office environment
Design a collaborative workspace setup and maximize the benefits of strategic office design. A comfortable and conducive workplace helps improve morale and boost productivity.