What can construction professionals do to adopt ESG?

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What can construction professionals do to adopt ESG?

What can construction professionals do to adopt ESG?

- Setting up third-party certification to set industry-wide standards for ESG benchmarking. 
- Encouraging ethical and responsible sourcing of materials with a preference for recycled or reclaimed materials. 
- Monitoring and auditing of construction waste for toxic, hazardous or contaminated materials. The circular economy can be promoted through material and product buy-back schemes, with modular or off-site construction systems used to reduce waste further.
- Promotion of sustainable transportation for staffs and low-carbon delivery of construction materials  to site. 
- To encourage biodiversity protection for existing wildlife and natural features
- To create diversity and inclusion initiatives, focused on ensuring a more balanced workforce in terms of gender, ethnicity, disability and other protected characteristics.
- Provide cross-borough training opportunities for contractors and the supply chain in respect of local labour and apprentice levels to address the lack of skilled and aging labour force.
- Implement fair and ethical working conditions for all employees
- To include mandatory health and safety training, toolbox talks to educate the workforce.
- Committing to the Considerate Constructors Scheme, contractors should also set minimum benchmark scores.
- Engaging more with the local supply chain and contractors by offering local employment opportunities, procurement of materials and partnerships.
- Derive procurement strategies to ensure successful outcomes around cost/value, programme and quality as three principal cornerstones

ESG integration should be viewed as an opportunity for organisations to create the most value for the business while also maximising asset performance. Adopt these EDG integrations to make your organisations smarter, more sustainable and ultimately more resilient!