What makes a good quantity surveyor

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What makes a good quantity surveyor

Ann Allen MBE FRICS, executive director of estates and commercial services at the University of Glasgow shares her extensive experience of working with quantity surveyors.

What do you understand to be the role of a quantity surveyor?

It is interesting that you use the term quantity surveyor – and not cost manager. In simple terms, as a client, the quantity surveyor is the person who I expect to be watching and managing any costs associated with the project, while safeguarding the position of the client in any cost-related discussions.

The quantity surveyor should be responsible for keeping the design team informed regarding budget, being able to identify any future risks, and challenging on buildability and value engineering issues when necessary. At the University of Glasgow, we always appoint the quantity surveyor directly, not through an external design team. Although I want the quantity surveyor to be at the centre of the design process, I also want independent thinking and a direct reporting line from them to the project manager. When we appoint external project managers and quantity surveyors, we usually do this under separate appointments.

Which qualities and skills do you look for when appointing or working with a quantity surveyor?

I expect the quantity surveyor to have all the necessary technical skills and knowledge to allow them to support the client. A good level of solid benchmarking evidence and detailed knowledge of the contract and contract law is also essential. However, I expect more than technical skills: I want the quantity surveyor to understand the client – for example, their appetite for risk.

An understanding of the internal environment the client works in is important. For instance, I work in a heavily regulated and governed environment, so my mantra is ‘No surprises’. Although I recognise that unexpected things can happen on any construction project, I expect the quantity surveyor to be thinking ahead and anticipating any potential problems.

Although I recognise that unexpected things can happen on any construction project, I expect the quantity surveyor to be thinking ahead and anticipating any potential problems.

Although I recognise that unexpected things can happen on any construction project, I expect the quantity surveyor to be thinking ahead and anticipating any potential problems.

I also need them to understand that from a client perspective, cost management is not one-dimensional: cost versus budget is important, but so is cash flow and risk management. Soft skills are vital – the best quantity surveyors are not just technically competent but they are good leaders who are able to challenge the design teams constructively. They must also be able to communicate, and report clearly and accurately, with both informed and less-informed clients.

Can you give any examples of good or bad practice?

The best quantity surveyors I have worked with have been trusted partners of the client. They have advised on specific issues, and challenged the design team and contractor – but without overspecifying or delaying the project.

Finally, they are always looking forward and anticipating issues for the client so that they can be managed effectively, from the start of the project right through to the final account.

How do you see the role developing in the future?

I see a huge potential change in the role of the quantity surveyor. Much of the traditional work of the quantity surveyor will be automated: the computer will be able to manage benchmarking, complete cost plans, scenario testing and risk analysis. In many ways, some may question if and why we will need quantity surveyors.
Having said that, I believe the role of the quantity surveyor will actually become even more important. While data and cost plans can be computer-generated, it will still take a cost consultant to understand how to interpret the figures by providing an experienced oversight of the data. They will need to have the skill to take the data and apply it to each situation, using their experience and current knowledge of the construction industry.

Quantity surveyors will still need to be able to interpret contracts, and ensure the client chooses the right contract for them and then secures the best outcome from that contract. They will still need to sit in the middle of the design team to ensure the client receives value for money – and then be able to report back to their client in an effective manner. Soft skills will therefore become increasingly important, as it is through these that quantity surveyors will be able to show how they add value to any project.